The Personal Revolution
While the history of computing and communications often appears to be one led by big entities in business and government, the biggest revolution has actually been a personal one. Each of us, as...
View ArticleBringing manners to marketing
The Cluetrain Manifesto was a success, and remains so, because it gives lessons in manners to marketing. Thus Cluetrain is also highly sourced by manners-minded marketing folk, who have eagerly...
View ArticleWallets are personal
A lot of big companies are eager to get their hands in your pockets — literally. They want your mobile phone to work as a digital wallet, and they want the digital wallet app you use to be theirs....
View ArticleThe Internet of me and my things
Let’s say this key ring is yours and you’ve lost it. If somebody scans the QR code with their smartphone, they will see a message from you. The message can say whatever you want (such as, “Help! I’ve...
View ArticleFor personal data, use value beats sale value
There’s an argument that goes like this: Companies are making money with personal data, and They are getting this data for free. Therefore, People should be able to make money with that data too. This...
View ArticleAT&T’s paint job on confusing pricing
In AT&T Ridding Some Retail Stores of Cash Register, Counters and Other Clutter, John McDermott of AdAge explains how the company is making its stores “warmer” to improve the “shopping experience”...
View ArticleBeyond the Advertising Bubble
Let’s start with some required reading, from @TimHwang and @AdiKamdar: About the peak: Worryingly, advertising is not well. Though companies supported by advertising still dominate the landscape and...
View ArticleOmie Update (version 0.2)
We’re overdue an update on the Omie Project…., so here goes. To re-cap: We at Customer Commons believe there is room/ need for a device that sits firmly on the side of the individual when it comes to...
View ArticleData Privacy Legal Hack-A-thon
Customer Commons is supporting, and board member, Mary Hodder, is hosting the Bay Area event. Additionally, there are NYC and London locations. Please join us if you are interested: Data Privacy Legal...
View ArticleWe are not fish and advertising is not food
This is how the Internet looks to the online advertising business today: This is how they approach it: And this is the result: Advertising is a huge source of the “data pollution” Fred Wilson talked...
View ArticleThe Personal Data Eco-system
Post from 2009 reposted here to facilitate further discussion. At the VRM workshop, we discussed the need for the concept of the Personal Data Store, what it would do in practice, and what that will...
View ArticleCustomer Commons and User Submitted Terms
User Terms Strawman Proposal Above is a strawman proposal for icons for user-submitted terms that I’ve been presenting in talks and in prototypes for creating privacy-protecting technology for...
View ArticlePersonal Information Economy 2015 – London
The Personal Information Economy 2015 conference is coming up! From the event page: As a new digital age unfolds brands have a make-or-break strategic opportunity to place their customer relationships...
View ArticleVolvo’s In-Car Delivery Service
In Volvo launches in-car package delivery service in Gothenburg, Volvo’s new service “lets you have your Christmas shopping delivered directly to your car.” Intriguing idea that saves on parking...
View ArticleNew Rules for Privacy Regulations
The Wall Street Journal has an informative conversation with Lawrence Lessig: Technology Will Create New Models for Privacy Regulation. What underlies a change toward new models are two points: the...
View ArticlePrivacy is an Inside Job
Ordinary people wearing and enjoying the world’s original privacy technology: clothing and shelter. (I’m the one on top. Still had hair then.) Start here: clothing and shelter are privacy technologies....
View ArticleGiving Customers Scale
Customers need scale. Scale is leverage. A way to get lift. Big business gets scale by aggregating resources, production methods, delivery services — and, especially, customers: you, me and billions...
View ArticleTime for THEM to agree to OUR terms
We can do for everybody what Creative Commons does for artists: give them terms they can offer—and be can read and agreed to by lawyers, ordinary folks, and their machines. And then we can watch “free...
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